Debt Repayment
How to Start Living Below Your Means in 2023
If you’ve wandered around any personal finance site or listened to a money guru for very long, you’ll hear the importance of living below your means mentioned often. We’ve all heard the term thrown around, sure, but do you know if you’re genuinely living below your means? In this post, I’ll cover what it means…
Read More50 Money Affirmations to Attract Wealth
Money affirmations are short sentences that can help you rewire your thought patterns. Rather than focusing on negative ideas around money, you redirect your negative self-talk and create a new focus and future for yourself. While it sounds easy, it can be a challenge. It’s not some get quick rich scheme and isn’t a matter…
Read MoreWhat causes a negative balance on a credit card – and what to do
Occasionally, there’s a glitch in the matrix, and we see things that shouldn’t be there – like seeing a negative balance on a credit card. While it’s weird and can be a little unsettling, there are various reasons why it can happen. Let’s talk about why you might get a negative balance when you open…
Read MoreYNAB vs Mint 2023: Which Budgeting App Wins?
For those on a budget, investing in a budgeting software program can be quite helpful because it not only helps you develop your budget, but it can also help you actually stick to it as well, which to be honest, is the real battle when it comes to budgeting. Another great thing about using a…
Read MoreHow to Stop Saying ‘I’m Broke!’ and Actually Fix It
Besides being a popular song, ‘I’m broke’ can be a common phrase uttered by folks struggling with finances. If you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, or can’t seem to get ahead, let’s talk about why and how to fix it. Why Am I Broke? (And How to Fix It) There are several reasons you might be broke, from…
Read MoreHow to Use Dave Ramsey Budget Percentages
How to Use Dave Ramsey Budget Percentages July 19, 2021/Tana/No Comments This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more information. In This Post Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Chances are, if you’ve heard the term “Better than I deserve!”, then you’ve heard of Dave Ramsey budget percentages. Dave…
Read MoreWhat is Financial Freedom? (And How to Achieve It)
If you’re wondering what is financial freedom anyway, you’re in the right place! Think about how your finances make you feel. When you picture your latest credit card or bank statement, what feelings come to mind? Is it discomfort? Are you upset? Or have you not opened them for fear of the numbers you’ll see?…
Read MoreHow to Use Cash Envelopes as a Budgeting System
How to Use Cash Envelopes as a Budgeting System May 6, 2021/Tana/No Comments This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more information. In This Post Add a header to begin generating the table of contents When it comes to budgeting, there are a million options out there. Today, let’s talk about a trendy…
Read MoreWhat are the 4 C’s of Credit for Getting a Mortgage?
Are you considering getting a house, car, or personal loan this year (or in the next 2 – 3)? If so, you’re going to need to know about the 4 c’s of credit. No, they’re not horsemen bringing the apocalypse or the top cuss words your kids will spout out in front of their kindergarten…
Read MoreWhat Is Liquid Net Worth & How to Calculate Yours
Chances are, you’ve probably heard the term “liquid net worth” thrown around a time or two in the personal finance realm. But, what exactly is liquid net worth? And, why is it an important thing to know? Liquid Net Worth Defined Liquid net worth is basically the amount of money you’ve got in cash or…
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