The Top 117 Motivational Quotes on Finances & Money

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    One of the easiest ways to stay motivated on your journey to financial freedom is to find quotes on finances that empower, encourage, and inspire you.

    Whether you’re looking for a new favorite financial guru or want to find some inspiring quotes on finance, I’ve pulled together the best financial quotes to help you stay motivated on your path to financial freedom. 

    Motivational Quotes for Finances

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    One of the best habits you can incorporate into your financial journey is have a positive mindset. Finding quotes on finances that encourage you to keep on your path can help you to build a strong mindset when it comes to money. 

    Take your favorite money affirmations and write them on post-its, create a graphic and print it, or save it as your phone screen or desktop background. Having a constant reminder of your favorite quotes on finances is a great way to stay motivated, especially if (or when) things get tough.

    These are some of my favorite quotes on finances because they’re so motivational. 

    The Top 10 Money Quotes

    These are the top 10 money quotes that are the most popular and often repeated amongst finance fanatics:

    “Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.”
    ― P.T. Barnum

    “Too many people spend money they buy things they don’t impress people that they don’t like.” ― Will Rogers

    “I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy.”
    ― Warren Buffett, Author of Investment Lessons from Warren Buffett

    “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
    — Jim Rohn, Author of The Keys to Success

    “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”
    Thomas Jefferson, a founding father of America

    “You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.”
    — Dave Ramsey, Author of The Total Money Makeover

    “Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing your future self.”
    ― Nathan W. Morris, Author of Your 33 Day Money Action Plan: How to Get Out of Debt, Save Money, Discover Financial Peace, and Revolutionize Your View of Money Forever

    “Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.”
    ― Joe Biden

    “If you live for having it all, what you have is never enough.”
    — Vicki Robin, Author of Your Money or Your Life

    “Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.”
    ― Ayn Rand, Author of Atlas Shrugged

    Quotes on Finances and Investment

    “The more your money works for you, the less you have to work for money.”
    ― Idowu Koyenikan, Author of Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

    “The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.”
    John D. Rockefeller

    “How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.”
    ― Robert G. Allen

    “Bitcoin is absolutely the Wild West of finance, and thank goodness. It represents a whole legion of adventurers and entrepreneurs, of risk takers, inventors, and problem solvers. It is the frontier. Huge amounts of wealth will be created and destroyed as this new landscape is mapped out.”
    Erik Voorhees

    “Courage taught me no matter how bad a crisis gets…any sound investment will eventually pay off.”
    — Carlos Slim Helu

    “I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for ten years.”

    ― Warren Buffett, Author of Investment Lessons from Warren Buffett

    “Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.”
    ― Paul Samuelson

    “It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”
    — Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

    “Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.”
    — Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

    “The Stock Market is designed to transfer money from the Active to the Patient.”
    ― Warren Buffett, Author of Investment Lessons from Warren Buffett

    “If you have trouble imagining a 20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn’t be in stocks.”
    — John Bogle, Author of The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

    “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
    Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of America

    “Buy land. They’re not making it anymore.”
    — Mark Twain, Author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    “Investing isn’t about beating others at their game. It’s about controlling yourself at your own game.”
    Benjamin Graham, Author of The Intelligent Investor

    “The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left.”
    — Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

    “Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy.”
    Marshall Field, entreprenuer

    Other Personal Finance Quotes

    “Finance is not merely about making money. It’s about achieving our deep goals and protecting the fruits of our labor. It’s about stewardship and, therefore, about achieving the good society.”

    Robert J. Shiller, Author of The Subprime Solution: How Today’s Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do About It

    “Never spend your money before you have it.”
    Thomas Jefferson, a founding father of America

    “Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time.”
    Margaret Bonanno, science fiction author

    “Working because you want to, not because you have to is financial freedom.”
    — Tony Robbins, Author of MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

    “Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”
    — Jim Rohn, Author of The Keys to Success

    “Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.”

    Samuel Butler, Author of The Way of All Flesh

    “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”
    – Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States

    “Finance is not merely about making money. It’s about achieving our deep goals and protecting the fruits of our labor. It’s about stewardship and, therefore, about achieving the good society.”
    — Robert J. Shiller, Author of The Subprime Solution: How Today’s Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do About It

    “Money can’t buy happiness, but it will certainly get you a better class of memories.”
    Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States

    “If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.”
    Earl Wilson, American Journalist

    “Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none.”
    Richard M. DeVos, owner of the Orlando Magic (NBA)

    “The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your terms.”
    — Chris Brogan, Author of Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust

    “Your economic security does not lie in your job; it lies in your own power to produce – to think, to learn, to create, to adapt. That’s true financial independence. It’s not having wealth; it’s having the power to produce wealth.”
    Stephen Covey, Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

    “Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.”
    George Carlin, comedian

    “You can be young without money, but you can’t be old without it.”
    Tennessee Williams, American playwright

    “Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.”

    George Burns, comedian

    “At least eighty percent of millionaires are self-made. That is, they started with nothing but ambition and energy, the same way most of us start.”
    Brian Tracy, Author of Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income

    “Rich people believe ‘I create my life.’ Poor people believe ‘Life happens to me.'”
    T. Harv Eker, Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind in Turbulant Times

    “Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options.”
    Chris Rock, comedian

    “Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.”
    David Lee Roth, musician

    “Never spend your money before you have it.”
    Thomas Jefferson, a founding father of America

    “Money, like emotions, is something you must control to keep your life on the right track.”
    ― Natasha Munson, Author of Spiritual Lessons for My Sisters: How to Get Over the Drama and Live Your Best Life

    “Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one. You must learn how to motivate yourself to counter fear with courage.”
    — Thomas J. Stanley, Author of The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy

    “Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it.”
    — Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

    “The greatest wealth is to live content with little.”
    ― Plato, Greek philosopher

    “If you want to be financially free, you need to become a different person than you are today and let go of whatever has held you back in the past.”
    — Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

    “There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.”
    — Marlene Dietrich, actress

    “Wealth is largely the result of habit.”
    — John Jacob Astor, American business magnate

    If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know & start charging for it.”
    Kim Garst, Author of Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authentic, and Prosper in Social Media

    “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
    — Epictetus, Greek philosopher

    “A penny saved is a penny earned.”
    Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of America

    “Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.”
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet

    “There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire. If you’re jealous of those with more money, don’t just sit there and complain—do something to make more money yourself.”
    Gina Rinehart, Australian mining magnate

    “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
    ― Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

    “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
    ― Warren Buffett, Author of Investment Lessons from Warren Buffett

    “I love money. I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $300 pair of socks. Got a fur sink. An electric dog polisher. A gasoline powered turtleneck sweater. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too.”
    Steve Martin, comedian

    “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”
    Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of America

    “Money may not buy happiness, but I’d rather cry in a Jaguar than on a bus.”
    ― Françoise Sagan, French playwright

    “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.”
    — Dave Ramsey, Author of The Total Money Makeover

    “It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”
    — Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

    “The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.”
    Kin Hubbard, American cartoonist

    “Do not save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving.”
    ― Warren Buffett, Author of Investment Lessons from Warren Buffett

    “Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.”
    ― Josh Billings, 19th century humorist

    “A budget is more than just a series of numbers on a page; it is an embodiment of our values.”
    ― Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States

    “If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.”

    Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of America

    “I believe that through knowledge and discipline, financial peace is possible for all of us.”
    — Dave Ramsey, Author of The Total Money Makeover

    “The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom and benefit.”
    Ralph Waldo Emerson, Author of Self-Reliance and Other Essays

    “Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this.”
    — Dave Ramsey, Author of The Total Money Makeover

    “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”
    — Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States

    “It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.”
    Seneca, Roman philosopher

    “More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking them where they went.”
    Roger Babson, American entrepreneur and author of Fundamentals of Prosperity

    “Fortune befriends the bold.”
    Emily Dickinson, poet

    “Making money isn’t hard in itself… What’s hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one’s life to.”
    ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Author of The Shadow of the Wind

    “A man who pays his bills on time is soon forgotten.”
    Oscar Wilde, Author of The Picture of Dorian Gray

    “A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.”
    — Suze Orman, Author of Women & Money

    “Persist – don’t take no for an answer. If you’re happy to sit at your desk and not take any risk, you’ll be sitting at your desk for the next 20 years.”
    David Rubenstein, Author of How to Lead: Wisdom from the World’s Greatest CEOs, Founders, and Game Changers

    “Wealth, after all, is a relative thing since he that has little and wants less is richer than he that has much and wants more.”
    Charles Caleb Colton, English writer and cleric

    “The more you learn, the more you earn.”
    ― Warren Buffett, Author of Investment Lessons from Warren Buffett

    “If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.”
    Edmund Burke, Irish satesman, economist, and philosopher

    “A budget tells us what we can’t afford, but it doesn’t keep us from buying it.”
    William Feather, American author

    “Real wealth is not about money. Real wealth is: not having to go to meetings, not having to spend time with jerks, not being locked into status games, not feeling like you have to say ‘yes,’ not worrying about others claiming your time and energy. Real wealth is about freedom.”
    James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

    “You must tell your money how you want to live your life, and not the other way round.”
    Manoj Arorak, Author of From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom: A Common Man’s Journey

    “I try not to borrow, first you borrow then you beg.”
    ― Ernest Hemingway, American novelist

    “The thing I have discovered about working with personal finance is that the good news is that it is not rocket science. Personal finance is about 80 percent behavior. It is only about 20 percent head knowledge.”
    — Dave Ramsey, Author of The Total Money Makeover

    “Whatever your income, always live below your means.”
    — Thomas J. Stanley, Author of The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy

    “Spend extravagantly on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t.”
    — Ramit Sethi, Author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich

    “Being rich is a good thing. Not just in the obvious sense of benefitting you and your family, but in the broader sense. Profits are not a zero sum game. The more you make, the more of a financial impact you can have.”
    Mark Cuban, American entrepreneur, TV personality

    “The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to dig deep and fix the root problem.”
    — Suze Orman, Author of Women & Money

    “Any informed borrower is simply less vulnerable to fraud and abuse.”
    Alan Greenspan, Former Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States

    “Stay on top of your finances. Don’t leave that up to others.”
    Leif Garrett, American singer and songwriter

    “The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the same way, the only way to change your level of financial success ‘permanently’ is to reset your financial thermostat. But it is your choice whether you choose to change.”
    — T. Harv Eker, Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind in Turbulant Times

    “The longer I go on, the more I am aware of the power of finance.”
    Justin Welby, Bishop of Durham

    “Wealth, like a tree, grows from a seed. The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow.”
    George S. Clason, Author of The Richest Man in Babylon

    “The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more. Give more. Be more. Serve more.”
    — Tony Robbins, Author of MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

    “Know what you own, and know why you own it.”
    — Peter Lynch, Author of One Up on Wall Street

    “Budgeting has only one rule: Do not go over budget.”
    Leslie Tayne, Author of Life & Debt: A Fresh Approach to Achieving Financial Wellness

    “Divorce is one of the most financially traumatic things you can go through. Money spent on getting mad or getting even is money wasted.”
    Richard Wagner, composer

    “A lot of the time we think finances are immediately linked to experience, opportunities, image, and all sorts of important things that can progress us in life. Sometimes they’re not. Finances can be completely irrelevant if you allow yourself to feel like things are going well.”
    Natalia Kills, singer

    “Money grows on the tree of persistence.”
    Japanese Proverb

    “Every financial decision should be driven by what you value.”
    — David Bach, Author of The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich

    “Watch your finances like a hawk.”
    — H. Jackson Brown, Jr., Author of The Complete Life’s Little Instruction Book

    “You don’t want to have so much money going toward your mortgage every month that you can’t enjoy life or take care of your other financial responsibilities.”
    — Dave Ramsey, Author of The Total Money Makeover

    “Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each.
    Christopher Rice, Author

    “This time, instead of moving oceans and healing planets, let’s get our bills in order and pay down the debt so we control our own future.”
    — Artur Davis, Former United States Representative

    “Wealth is not without its advantages and the case to the contrary, although it has often been made, has never proved widely persuasive.”
    John Kenneth Galbraith, Canadian-American economist

    “It is incumbent upon each of us to improve spending and savings practices to ensure our own individual financial security and preserve the collective economic well-being of our great society.”
    Ron Lewis, American politician

    “Here’s my gift-giving rule: Respect your current financial situation.”
    — Suze Orman, Author of Women & Money

    “A person’s credit report is one of the most important tools consumers can use to maintain their financial security and credit rating, but for so long many did not know how to obtain one, or what to do with the information it provided.”
    Ruben Hinojosa, American politician

    “Most women outlive their spouses. Divorce remains at record rates. It’s important for a woman to be able to control her finances.”
    Maria Bartiromo, American journalist

    “Thou shalt not forget that money is only money and not character or fame.”
    — Steven J. Lee, Author of The Money Plan: Creating Personal Wealth for a Secure Future

    “A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.”
    — Jonathan Swift, Irish satirist

    What is a money motto?

    A money motto can be mantras, affirmations, or money quotes that you choose to live by. You’ll want to pick one or two that fit your financial goals and inspire you to continue to strive toward them.

    Looking for even more money quotes? Check out 40+ financial freedom quotes to inspire here.

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    A forty-ish web designer/developer by day, a budget & financial fanatic by night. I’m a mom, wife, avid reader, and DIY enthusiast who’s tracking our journey to debt freedom. Read More

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